On the podcast – Episode 14: All things antioxidants with Andrew Larkin


[00:00:00] Jenny: we’re happy to help and help you gain more knowledge on this. And just want to start off by disclaiming. We are not medical professionals. This is our own research. This is our own testimonials and all the things. So definitely always consult a doctor if you have specific concerns around things.

Hi, Andrew. Thank you so much for coming together with me doing this together. I think it’s great. I’m glad that we can both. Share the knowledge and pull back these layers of things that people maybe don’t know about.

Andrew: My name is Andrew Larkin. I’m Jenny’s brother, and I’ve been drinking  Kangen water for about a year now, a little over a year, and I was introduced to it by a friend. Who just started sharing about the benefits of, it and I just was so blown away with kind of what it was, and I was so interested and so fascinated.

And the fact is I, I understood that our bodies are water. I understood that our bodies are electrical beings. So I understood that, like this has to do something positive. Like this is great. And then I found out about the antioxidant property. [00:01:00] Involved with it. And it kinda just, I just kind of became, I just nerded out and I was like, I kinda want to know how this works.

Like I know I felt it, I experienced it, but I want to know like how antioxidants play a role in this, because I know for me growing up at least, like, I’ve heard the word antioxidant all the time, but I have no idea what it was. And I just wanted to actually understand how it works, why it works, what’s going on in the body and all that kind of stuff.

So I just started to do my own research. And I think that’s so important. I think, like Jenny said, like, we are not experts. We are not scientists or gurus. We’re just fascinated in how this works and we self-educated, I think in today’s world with YouTube and Google and so many ways  and pub med and different articles and so many people who’ve done this research,  self-education is such.

A tool that’s, that’s usable for everyone. Like if you’re interested, you can go out on the web and find any information that you want.  I’m going to dive in deeper about what all this stuff is, but I also encourage you guys to do your own research. And if you vibe with this, just double check with everything and, and just feel how it feels with you feel with your intuition.

Cause I think [00:02:00] that’s one of the greatest ways to make decisions, honestly. So tap into that. So yeah, that’s a little bit about who I am and all this stuff. Yeah,

Jenny: Definitely. And I just want to also say that going off what you said, there is so much information out there. So it’s really important to also fact check what you’re looking at, because there are many just like opinion based places to put on stuff with like blogs

so it’s good. Like you said, pub med is probably the best place and peer reviewed articles. To find things that are actually credible, , and backing up that information. So, , I really think that’s important to share as well. Just quick disclaimer.  Yeah, I think for me, , looking at it from someone that hasn’t, maybe  doesn’t really know about these types of things.

Can you just quickly define basically like what an antioxidant is, what oxidative stress is and then what free radicals are.

Andrew: Yeah, absolutely. So I’ll give like the most basic overview of it. Antioxidants are really good and they help fight off free radicals and free radicals cause oxidative stress and oxidative stress. Isn’t very good. So the more [00:03:00] antioxidants we have, the less oxidative stress we have, that’s like the basic, the big macro overview of what it is, but like what does all that mean? How does it work and all that good stuff. So I’m going to dive into, I’m going to start off with free radicals. And before I kind of define what free radicals are. I think it’s important to identify that our body kind of works. Intentionally for a reason and free radicals are actually a good thing when you have a healthy amount of free radicals.

So when you have a healthy amount of free radicals in the body, it actually kills pathogens and it regulates self-growth naturally throughout the body.

But with a lot of things, you know, the dose is the poison. So when we get an excess amount of free radicals, It damages the body over time. And the ways that we can have an excess amount of free radicals is by things like smoking, things like drinking ,pollution, right? Our air quality,  radiation, pesticides, processed junky foods ,bad  contaminated water,

Stress and anxiety is a huge one. And lack of sleep. Those are just to name a few, but these are [00:04:00] ways that we can get an excess amount of free radicals, which causes damage in the body.

So now what. Are free radicals, right? So free radicals are, it’s basically it’s a molecule or an atom with an unpaired electron and molecules and atoms they love to come in pairs. That means that they’re happy, but basically when a molecule and atom have  an unpaired electron and it’s a free, radical, it’s going to go on, it’s going to scavenge the body. until  it finds a molecule with a paired electron & its going to steal one from that. And then that guy is now a free, radical, and he’s going to go scavenge.

The body’s going to find one and steal one from that. So he’s happy. And then this guy’s going and it’s this domino effect that just continues over time to wreak havoc on the body and causes so much damage on the body. And when we have an excess amount of this , when, they’re just constantly trying to steal electrons from each other.

 It damages the proteins, it damages. The lipids the DNAs, the cell walls, the cell membranes. And over time. It wreaks so much havoc on the body and it causes oxidative stress.

So oxidative stress. Now we’re gonna talk about oxidative stress, oxidative stress, visually. I want you guys [00:05:00] to visualize it, but by if you cut an Apple in half and you let it sit out for about an hour,, it’s going to get brown and get kind of gross.

And if you let it sit out for three hours, it’s going to get a little bit more Brown, a little bit more gross. If you sit it out for 24 hours, it’s going to start like wilting. It’s going to be unedible. It’s going to be just really gross and gnarly. And that’s essentially what happens. In our bodies, right?

Oxidation basically means a loss of electrons. So oxidation is one of those free radicals are happening. We’re losing electrons in the body.

So the crazy thing about oxidative stress is that oxidative stress is linked to all inflammatory diseases.

 It’s linked to cancer. It’s linked to high blood pressure. It’s linked to diabetes, aging, cardiovascular disease.

So basically if you had any illness or disease or your. Sick in any way, shape or form, like you have some form of oxidative stress in the body, which is huge .

Basically, oxidative stress by definition. It’s an imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants.

So when you have a lot of oxidative stress, you have more free radicals and [00:06:00] antioxidants. If you want to help kind of change that spectrum, we want more antioxidants than free radicals.

So now we’re going to dive into antioxidants, right? What are antioxidants? We hear about this all the time, and we know that they’re good because there are products out there that are always saying they want antioxidants, but what  are they?

So antioxidants, are I like to call it the Knights in shining armor, right? They are, um, like the dads of the body. They go and they. Go to these free radicals and they have an abundance of electrons and that antioxidant basically just AIDS and gives and lends that guy a free electron, and he basically passes it up and he’s like, here you go, buddy.

And then he goes to another one and he heals that one and he goes to another one and he’s patching up and giving these unpaired electrons an extra electron. So he’s passing up the body and he blocks these free electrons from stealing. You know, electrons from other ones and they do this without de-stabilizing, which is really powerful.

So antioxidants are powerful in patching up these free radicals, which helps if we have less free radicals, we have less oxidative stress, right? So basically the [00:07:00] more antioxidants we have, the better, we want as many antioxidants in our bodies as we can. And I actually did some. Digging. I haven’t done too much research on this, but I stumbled across this and I think it’s really important.

So look, I think when it comes to health, ya know, when it comes to like money, like we want to get rich quick. When it comes to health, we want to find quick, fast ways to heal our bodies. So we might look at a supplement. We might look at a pill to just like pop in, like heal ourselves. But I actually found something, um, that said antioxidant supplements can actually do more harm than good.

And again, I haven’t done too much extensive research into it, but I think that was just something to like, raise your awareness to that. I think that’s, there’s still a lot of truth in that.

 I think it’s so important to look at holistic ways to get antioxidants into our bodies and some holistic ways like this are improving our sleep, getting deeper high quality sleep, , exercise  is so big.

What’s more important is consistent exercise. Because the interesting thing with exercise is that exercise actually creates free radicals in our bodies, like [00:08:00] naturally. So, but when we exercise consistently, we’re creating more . Antioxidants in our bodies, then free radicals. So it kind of completely like you don’t even think about the free radicals but when you exercise like intensely, like once every like two weeks or something like that, then you actually might be creating more free radicals than antioxidants.

So we want to make sure that we’re exercising consistently. Managing stress is so big. I swear. It’s stress is probably like the number one thing that leads to aging that leads to. So many diseases and the ways to manage stress through mindfulness exercises , getting outside and just walking, finding activities where you can just lose track of time and stay present.

Because when you’re in a state of anxiety, you’re worried about the future when you’re worried about regret you’re in the past. So we want to find ways to stay present in the moment.  Things like breath, work, things like, , tapping. I know you’re so into tapping, I’ve been listening to podcasts on tapping.

The research is starting to be there. Like it’s crazy. So find ways to manage stress because stress, , really [00:09:00] causes inflammation and oxidation in the body. Just try drinking less alcohol and smoking, and consuming whole natural, beautiful foods from mother earth is such an amazing way to get antioxidants into our bodies.

And these are all amazing holistic ways. These are practices that I’ve been implementing into my life daily and they’re  working wonders.

 But then I found out about Kangen water and I found out about its antioxidant properties and how kind of, it just blows everything out of the water. So before I go into like what Kangen  water is and how the machine works and everything I want to talk about, how do you measure antioxidants?

You know, I feel like, again, we hear antioxidants, everyone promoting antioxidants, but how do you know if, how much is like, how do you measure that? And you can actually measure that through a scale. Called ORP is called oxidation reduction potential. It’s the potential to reduce oxidation. and remember oxidation is basically a loss of electrons.

So when it comes to ORP, it’s [00:10:00] measured on a scale and it’s kind of like a golf game, so you want to shoot for a lower score. So. The more positive on the ORP scale, the more oxidizing, the more inflammatory, the more aging occurs in the body and the more negative on the scale, the more antioxidant anti-inflammatory anti-aging, anti allergy, that kind of thing.

So we want to shoot for. Consuming and doing things that are negative on the ORP scale.

So to kind of give a visual things like tap water, bottled water sodas, processed foods, junk food, smoking, all that kind of stuff comes out to a positive on the ORP scale.

 You can measure this by, they have these meters a little . Metal things that you can like stick in the water. I’ve seen videos of people testing like bottled water, and then they just stick the thing in, and there’s like a meter that shows the number. So it comes up like a positive 200 for like some bottled waters.

And then if looking on a negative spectrum.

You have things like. Freshly squeezed orange juice. You have green tea, blueberries. Now you hear antioxidants and you probably think the blueberries and they’re such an incredible source of antioxidants. [00:11:00] And these come out to roughly like a negative 50 to a negative 150, which is really amazing.

We want to consume these foods because anything on the negative side is incredible for our bodies, but here’s the crazy AHA like, Holy shit, when you Measure Kangen Water,, and when you, when you pour a fresh glass ofKangen  waterfrom the tap, it comes out too. A negative 400 to a negative 800 on the ORP scale.

And basically the equivalent, you get the same amount of antioxidants in your body in one glass of water, as you do with five pounds of blueberries, right?

 A ton of blueberries and that’s in one glass of Kangen  water. And so the potential is just absolutely. Off the charts insane.

 I heard about that, I was like, Holy cow, that’s crazy. But how does that actually, how does it create antioxidants like that? How does this drinking this water do that? So then I started to do more research into how doesKangen water work and like, what does it do to create antioxidants

 . So basically, Kangen  water , is a medical grade  water ionizer, [00:12:00] and it has an incredible amount of energy and voltage and electricity goes through the machine and it hits these eight platinum coated titanium plates , medical grade, platinum titanium plates..

And when it hits that it creates an electrical charge. Throughout the water, it wakes up the water, it zaps the water. And when it does this, this water is like alive, right? It’s the equivalent of a lightning of a naturally occurring lightning strike, hitting the water and waking it up, right.

Natural occurring process. And when it does this, it disassociates the water.

So instead of like a big H2O water molecule, it breaks up into H2  and O. And so. Molecular hydrogen active oxygen and something like an ions some protons and stuff like that. And when it breaks up into H2, H2 is molecular hydrogen, and this is the goods. This is the juicy stuff. This is what it’s all about.

Molecular hydrogen. Is it is the antioxidant

when you do research, like I, I really encourage people to go on pub med and do actual extensive research on just hydrogen and molecular hydrogen because the research is insane. And [00:13:00] molecular hydrogen is actually what gives an aides. These free radicals that electron,the molecular hydrogen is what patches up.and gives them that paired electron.

So , it’s the molecular hydrogen itself, which is the antioxidant.

This one of the most incredible antioxidants we have on this earth and the molecular hydrogen. The incredible thing about it is that it is, if you look on the periodic table, it comes off as like the number one element on the periodic table.

It’s actually the smallest element in the universe. And since it’s so tiny like that, when we drink it and we put it into our bodies, it hydrates us at a cellular level. And when it goes in our bodies, it actually penetrates our cell walls, our organs, our livers, and all this stuff. So much more efficiently. & Effectively. And it’s able to flush out all these toxins so much more effectively.

And when we do that, we actually go through a detox process. So not only is it, is it fixing and like, and patching up these free radicals, but it’s also detoxing [00:14:00] us at a cellular level. So when I started drinking this water I started having stuff coming out of my skin, like stuff was coming out of me and the detox was again, it’s our bodies vary based on person to person. So that detoxing process is different for everyone. I know you’ve probably had your own detox symptoms and so many people do, but when you experience that and when you’re like in that, it’s like, Holy cow, this is, this is crazy.

And it’s funny because when I started drinking this water I felt the effects , and it was incredible, but this was what started my journey in health and wellness. When I started drinking this water, it woke me up and all that stuff was coming out of my body.

It was like, what have I been putting into my body the past, like 22, 23 years. So it’s indirectly started this whole journey for me.

Alkalinity. So people hear about Kangen  water and they hear about, I feel like we’ve told people about kangen water  and water ionizers and they hear it. And they think of like a filter. They think of alkaline water and.  It’s so much more than that.

The Kangen Water Machine  creates a 8.5, 9.0 9.5 alkalinity, & [00:15:00] alkalinity is so good in, our bodies, right? We want our bodies to be alaklined because cancers and diseases, driving an acidic state and alkalinity is so important forour bodies to be like that.

But that’s not what it’s all about. Like the alkalinity of, and the pH of the kangen  water is honestly simply a byproduct of the molecular hydrogen.

So. When you had the 8.5 and the 9.0,  the 9.5, the higher the pH people might think, Oh, I just want a higher PH,.  actually the higher, the pH, the more molecular hydrogen the water actually creates.

So it’s all about the molecular hydrogen and molecular hydrogen is the antioxidant.

It is, the good stuff. It’s the, it’s the juice. It’s what it’s all about.

. When we experienced that, it’s just, it’s so incredible. And the testimonies are just off the charts. I mean, for me, I’ve what I’ve experienced. I know for you, you’ve had your testimonies and people all over the world have had their testimonies  it’s been so incredible. It’s such a journey. And I know for people who are maybe like, really excited about this and like hearing this and like, understand that this might, this makes kind of sense.

I feel like for me intuitively again, like it’s important to do [00:16:00] your research and to know, and, and the analytics is really important, but intuitively, like, how does this feel?

Like knowing about antioxidants and about electricity and all this stuff it felt right. And then I think it’s so important that, yeah, it’s not just about the logistics.

It’s not just about the numbers. It’s about how does it actually make you feel like what happens in your body when you do it? So for people out there,who are interested. I totally encourage you guys to do the research on it again, pub med, all those  articles, reach out to people who  have an understanding of that.

But try it out for yourself. That’s the best way to figure out how you vibe with it. So I know like if you’re near me or Jenny, we have a machine we’d love to give out water.  We also have a community of people and friends all over the country, all over the world who would be more than welcome to share the beauty of this water,

because it’s when you like, actually understand how it works and all, and the effects of it. It’s like you can’t not share this water.

It’s been such a ride in such a journey.

Jenny: I just wanted to, , for everyone listening to this, [00:17:00] can you just give like a brief summary of the difference between alkalinity and alkalize?

So alkaline and alkaline?

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah. So alkalinity is a, is a noun, and alkalized is a verb. And in order for anything to be alkaline.

So alkaliniting is anything above 7.0 pH. So water, the more acid it is, , it’s more negative or it’s less than, so it’s like two, three, four is more acidic and like nine, 10, 11, 12, like is more alkaline.

So anything above like legally  above a 7.0 on the PH scale. And you can measure these through these pH droplets. So anything above a 7,0 on  the PA scale is considered alkaline.

 And alkalinity is actually getting a really bad rep because people kind of know how important our alkalinity is in our bodies and how we have to be in an alkaline state to thrive and survive.

So they create these bottled waters. Bottled water in itself is a whole another rabbit hole because of the toxins and the plastic and stuff like that. But they had these bottle waters  and they [00:18:00] promote alkaline water as being like 9.0 8.5, alkaline water, pure water, and all this stuff.

And when we do this, if you actually look at the ingredients on it, a lot of the time it’s like calcium chloride.is in it like sodium bicarbonate.

  Sodium bicarbonate is baking soda.

We’ve tested this before, if you take acidic water, like a 3.0, and you put a bunch of baking soda in you swirl it around, it will change the pH. So it’s like an 8.0, so people actually add additives and chemicals to water to simply make it legally above a

7.0so that’s why alkaline waters is getting a bad rep because it’s being really tainted and messed  with.

But alkalized water means that it’s gaining. It’s getting the pH through, , a naturally occurring process like Kangen  water, like the pH, the alkaline of it is a byproduct of the molecular hydrogen that the water creates through a naturally occurring process of electricity going through the machine.

So. I think it’s so important because you hear about alkaline water and all the time it’s becoming so mainstream. But I think with a lot [00:19:00] of things that are mainstream it’s and like media, this is why it’s so important to do your research. .

Jenny: Also with what you were saying about how you’re saying, like it’s mainstream, it’s getting a bad rep. But I just wanted to say like, why it’s getting a bad rep is because people are drinking this “alkaline water”,, but they’re actually drinking all of these added chemicals that they don’t actually really know.

So someone could be in a study or something where they’re drinking a lot of alkaline water. But they’re actually getting all these other chemicals, so that could be like making them sick and things like that. So with the Kangen water, you know, it’s going through a  process of electrolysis.

So it’s alkaline and alkalize in a natural process.

 So that’s, I think important to say

 something else I wanted to ask you, Was about how over time the ORP like changes because I was somewhere recently and I had mentioned Kangen water to them and they were like, Oh yeah, we have these like H 2 water things that are being sold with like molecular hydrogen in them, in like a plastic bag type of bottle thing.

And I was like, [00:20:00] There’s no way that that’s the same thing at all, because the molecular hydrogen is going to like reduce over time and then the plastic is another thing, like you said, but I just wanted to talk about how over like a 24 hour period, how it like decreases increases. Like, could you just explain that a little bit?

Andrew: Yeah, I think the big thing is that the electricity hits the plates  and it, and it goes through that crazy process. And you can’t recreate that. Like, this is like a lightning strike happening on earth and you can’t recreate that through like something that you pour into something.

Because it’s alive,, because it’s electrolyzed, it only lasts for actually so long. So every day that the water sits out and it’s just sitting there, it actually reduces. Its potential to reduce oxidation. So if it starts off at a negative 800, when you, this glass of Kangen  water, the next day, it will be like negative 400.

And the next day it’d be like negative 200. And after like three days, it will be completely back to zero.

So, thats how , you know, its natural   and, good because when, when these water bottles and, , and the alkaline waters that, that they. Promote are  in water bottles. Like they have a [00:21:00] shelf life of like, like three months, like they’re sitting there for a really long time

 and naturally occurring, like water, like a process. This only is naturally supposed to last for so long, for like two to three days or so

Jenny: someone also just said, which is important to note is that this oxidation reduction potential decreases in a different way for glass and plastic. So it’s going to happen faster in  plastic and it’s going to happen slower in glass. So that’s why most of us we’re sharing water. We’re sharing it in these big gallon glass jugs rather than in plastic jugs.

So I think that’s also important to note, ,

Andrew: That’s so important. I heard I was hearing even like, not even with water, but I think Sean Stephenson, he’s like, My favorite dude, talking about health and talking about plastic and basically like, like, we need to stop, not even just like what plastic water bottles, but plastic, like food containers that were leaving food in,  you know, like Tupperware and stuff like that.

We’ve come a long way with plastic and it’s been like one of the greatest inventions ever, but it causes a lot of damage and, and it’s, it’s on a [00:22:00] cellular level. You can’t even see it, you know, but it really does do a lot damage.

Jenny:  Those microplastics, I mean, that’s a whole other conversation.

I also wanted to say  in terms of that with,  you know, plastic water bottles is like, I still see people buying like, you know, huge cases of water bottles. And it’s just like, if you can avoid that  any way you can, is  the best thing to do

 exactly like you said, I think that industry is like so corrupt that we don’t even know how long these plastic water bottles have been sitting in  like a warehouse before they even get into a store and how much they keep pushing them forward and forward on shelves.

So it’s like, we don’t really know how long they’ve been sitting there. So how long that water’s been absorbing that plastic, but that’s a whole other issue in itself.

 If you can avoid drinking, tap water, please avoid  that.

I’ve been watching a bunch of shows lately where they’re literally, it’s so funny that I even recognize this now, but they like go to get water from their sink and I’m like, What is happening and it’s like, just those little conditioning things of even just watching the [00:23:00] show is like, Oh, they’re just drinking it from, you know, the sink. So that’s fine.

 It’s like those little things in their mind. So just, if you can avoid drinking from tap water, highly recommend it.

Andrew: Oh my gosh. It’s it’s not even, it shouldn’t even be legally drinkable anymore. Like, , it’s insane

Have you ever watched, like everyone’s Erin Brockovich that moveabout  water

Jenny: also dark waters with, , Mark Ruffalo. That’s a really good one as well.

Also  Zach Efron documentary about water, that’s a really good one as well.

I listen to a podcast with  like the main face of it, but I forget the name of the guy

Andrew: he was like the reason it became a thing. It was his idea. And he honestly wanted to go into way more depth about all this stuff. And he’s so passionate about the water and the water industry and like the stuff that they’re doing in, France is next level. It’s so cool.

But yeah, stay away from tap water.

It’s one of those things where once you wake up and like, try how water should kind of tastes and how it should make you feel, you can’t really go back. It’s so hard to go back to the regular stuff.

I had a friend who just started drinking kangen  [00:24:00] water and tried that. And she like went back a little bit and she’s like, Andrew, I can’t even go back to it. You know, it’s crazy

Jenny: For me, because I know what’s in the water, not even just for like the health benefits of the molecular hydrogen, just knowing what’s in the tap water, even in a Brita filter, zero filter or a Berkey, whatever they’re called.

It’s just not the same with just the filter part of it. So someone just said like, even the chlorine and fluoride is just enough for me not to drink it.

I’m literally the person that brings like four jugs of water, everywhere I go, which is like pretty inconvenient, but I’m like, I won’t compromise.

Definitely big for me. It’s like, I can’t go back.

For ways that you guys can. You know, actually access this water or better  alternatives for one, definitely reach out to both of us. If you’re not in our area, we can definitely recommend someone that’s in your area. Like we said, we have a network all over the entire world.

There are literally thousands of Kangen water distributors and just doing your own research and we can connect you with someone to get you water, [00:25:00] or we can get it ourselves to you if you’re , near the Philadelphia area.

 What are good alternatives for people if they really can’t get access to this or say sometimes if you’re traveling

1.) Just want to say the Kangen water machine can actually be brought through TSA because it is a  medical grade water ionizer. So you can actually bring the machine and then you can bring an actual  water bottle and they just have to test it.

 So that’s something that once I travel again, I’m definitely going to be doing definitely keep that in mind.

But if you don’t have a machine and you’re traveling, or if you’re in another country, I mean, sometimes things just happen. I totally get that. Like, don’t want to be naive to that. So something that I’ve heard again, this is like, should be your last resort, but something I’ve heard is getting a water bottle that is made out of glass, aluminum, cardboard, or the hardest plastic you can find.

  Fiji, thats a  pretty hard plastic. That’s like the better option because that plastic is “better” [00:26:00] .

If you have any questions, we can discuss payment plans.

Both of us have a website and they’re linked in our bio’s on Instagram, and we can get you guys a custom  quotes for  payment plan.

 Most people do payment plans, which are as low as $180 a month, depending on how long you want to finance it. And then of course you can always finance through a credit card, but the company that we sell through Enagic has their own payment options.

So it’s very, very attainable. And I think at the end of the day, it’s just, where are you going to prioritize your money and how much your health is worth to you?

And I know for me, like I cannot go back now that I know about this water.

Anything else you want to add and then we can hop off.

Andrew:  I think this is a pretty, pretty cool call again. I think this has been fun, honestly. I think  we’ll dive in more deeply about things, about what Kangen Water & the  community. Maybe talk about a bunch of different things later on in different segments and stuff like that.

But I think this was a good start, , to get things rolling and get things interested.

 It starts with a peak of interest.

 That’s what happened for me.

 I was. Genuinely [00:27:00] interested in the fact that this is the only body that I have and, and how I’ve been treating myself and how do I want to feel and all these different variables.

and again it’s not even just about drinking the water. It’s about raising our awareness to how. You’re feeling on a regular basis, how you’re thinking with your mind, because that is so powerful too.

Like the placebo effect ,  getting outside, there’s so many variables to health

I’m not just passionate about Kangen water, even though I totally am.

I’m passionate about wellness and sustaining that wellness and so many different aspects. And there’s so many variables to our  health.

love you guys

Jenny: yeah, it’s awesome. I love it.  Thank you so much for being here. If you want more information, you can go to our bios right now and check it out.

We’re very nice people. We’re welcome to questions.

 I’m excited to make this kind of like an ongoing series thing that we’ll do, to answer questions.

 If anything has peaked your interest and you have specific questions, definitely let us know so that we can address them in future lives.

 Thank you so much for being here. Thank you, Andrew, for sharing so much ,really appreciate it. And I feel like you’re just getting better at explaining things, which is awesome.

 Practice, baby.

 [00:28:00] Well, thank you so much. I’ll see you later.

Love you.




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